日英映像翻訳者 イレイン・ホンさんインタビュー

映画やドラマなど、日本のコンテンツに英語字幕を付ける映像翻訳者は、何がきっかけでこの道を選んだのか? また映像翻訳の魅力とは何なのか? 日英の映像翻訳者としてデビューを果たしたイレイン・ホンさんにインタビューをしました。
◆How did you hear about the JVTA Japanese-to-English translation course, and why did you decide to take it?
I have always had an interest in the arts, visual media and the cinematic world, so creating subtitles is something that naturally appealed to me. Before JVTA provided the Japanese-to-English translation course, I had already taken the 6-month English-to-Japanese basic translation course. Although I learned a lot, I knew doing English subtitles (instead of Japanese subtitles) would be a more natural fit for me, so when JVTA started the Japanese-to-English translation course, I quickly signed up.
◆What was your impression of the JVTA classes and homework?
We learnt the various techniques required for different genres like video translations, corporate translations, film festival program translations, manga & anime translations, voice overs, game translations, script translations and more. Some teachers really inspired me to really dig deep with regards to each character in a story, their background, age, etc. and to also always read between the lines.
Even though the pre-homework style meant I had to work on something I didn’t feel I had much idea about, I soon realized it was extremely helpful to be able to go through not only my work, but everyone’s work too. It allowed us as a group to really discuss our answers and interpretations during class.
◆What opportunities has studying at JVTA given you?
After passing the trials, I began receiving offers from JVTA and have since participated in many different types of work and am using the skills I learnt on the course. Over the last few months, I have been proofreading scripts, translating manga and animation and creating subtitles for short films and for organizations like Netflix and domestic networks such as NHK and TBS.
◆Who would you recommend the course to?
If you’re fluent in both Japanese and English, have a genuine interest in Japanese culture, have a love of visual media and are good at research then I think this is the course for you.
Did you have any previous translation experience before taking the course?
Yes. Before becoming a freelance translator, I was part of the editorial team for an international publishing company. My responsibilities included translating, editing and proofreading various publications.
◆What is it like working on projects for JVTA while also having a full-time job?
I am currently juggling two other jobs while working with JVTA. Time management is definitely the key here. My advice is – always allocate a specific amount of time to each task and stick to it!
◆Are you thinking of a future career in translation?
Well, I guess you could say I’m already doing it!