日英映像翻訳者 ジェシー・ナスさんインタビュー

映画やドラマなど、日本のコンテンツに英語字幕を付ける映像翻訳者は、何がきっかけでこの道を選んだのか? また映像翻訳の魅力とは何なのか? 日英の映像翻訳者、さらにJVTAの映像翻訳ディレクターとして活躍するジェシー・ナスさんにインタビューをしました。
◆How did you hear about the JVTA Japanese-to-English translation course, and why did you decide to take it?
I was browsing through a translation magazine and noticed an advertisement for a subtitling course at JVTA. At that time, the only course offered was English-to-Japanese, however when I checked the school’s website sometime later, I discovered that they had introduced a Japanese-to-English visualmedia translation course. The course content includes the translation of movies, TV dramas, manga and games; all of the things that brought me to Japan in the first place, so I knew I had to take it! By taking the JVTA course I was also able to put the Japanese skills I had developed to practical use.
◆What was your impression of the JVTA classes and homework?
The classes were great. Each lesson is discussion based, so there is plenty of opportunity to learn from fellow students as well as the instructor. Seeing how other students translated the same line was eye-opening. We learnt that there isn’t a right or wrong subtitle, but each one needs to be justified and you have to be ready to justify your answers. There are a wide range of assignments and each one presented its own challenge. The homework took time but it was always rewarding to see the subtitles I had written on the big screen during the lesson.
◆What opportunities has studying at JVTA given you?
After completing the year-long course and passing the final exam, the Media Translation Center at JVTA contacted me on a regular basis with offers of work. I had the chance to work on pretty much everything I studied during the course such as subtitling and script translation. It was a fantastic way to gain real life experience in translation, while also continuing to work a full time job.
◆Who would you recommend the course to?
For those interested in Japanese popular culture, the course is a must! I would also recommend it for anyone with even a slight interest in translation. I cannot stress how fun it is. It is also a great opportunity to put your Japanese skills into practice!