
『JVTAリモートセミナー・シリーズ Winter 2024
2024年2月26日(月)19:30-20:30 ※日本時間 ※終了しました
Seminar Introduction:
In recent years, we’ve seen Japanese variety shows and comedy programs boom in popularity worldwide. Open up Netflix, and you’re bound to see some Japanese comedy content that you wouldn’t have seen even 5 or 10 years ago. In this seminar, two Japanese-English media translation instructors explore what localization looks like when it comes to Japanese comedy and variety programs. We’ll take a look at the overview of the industry, and delve into the intricacies of the translation process for such content. Using real-life examples, we’ll examine how the distinctive features of Japanese comedy like “boke” and “tsukkomi” get translated into English. Whether you have an interest in translating comedy and variety shows, or are learning Japanese-English video translation in general, this is a seminar you won’t want to miss!
・翻訳力をもっと磨きたい方 など
This seminar is for:
– Those interested in Japanese-to-English translation
– Graduates of our English-to-Japanese course who are interested in Japanese-to-English translation
– Current students and graduates of our Japanese-to-English course
– Those looking to improve their translation skills etc.
– Those who enjoy Japanese comedy and variety shows
・「ボケツッコミ」「cultural references」「言葉遊び・だじゃれ」などはどうやって英訳する?

Jessi Nuss (J-E Course Director and Instructor at JVTA)
Born in California, USA. Jessi oversees the content and management of JVTA’s Japanese-to-English Media Translation Course, and is also involved in teaching classes and seminars related to J-E media translation. A longtime Japanese pop culture enthusiast, she loves the challenge that J-E media translation presents, and sharing the fun of it with students at JVTA.

Haruna Yokoyama (J-E Instructor and Translator)
Haruna is a Tokyo-based media translator and instructor. She began her career at a Los Angeles-based import-export company, and began studying subtitling at JVTA’s Los Angeles campus and moved to Japan in 2011 to finish her studies at the Tokyo campus. In 2013, Haruna completed the J-E media translation course and made her debut as a professional subtitle translator. As a freelancer, she now works on J-E translation projects and also does interpreting, editing, and transcription.
日程:2024年2月26日(月)19:30~20:30 ※日本時間
申込方法: 以下の申し込みフォームからお申込みください。送信後に届く自動返信メールに当日のご参加方法に関する詳細が記載されていますので、必ずご確認ください。