
みんなで考える英語字幕 ~翻訳経験不問!日本の短編映画の字幕を一緒に作り上げよう!~

みんなで考える英語字幕 ~翻訳経験不問!日本の短編映画の字幕を一緒に作り上げよう!~

Let’s Translate Together – English Subtitles Edition -Join us in creating subtitles for a Japanese short film-

2023年8月21日(月)19:30‐20:30 ※日本時間



良い字幕は即採用! 参加者の字幕案をもとに、日英字幕を完成させます!


Your subtitle ideas wanted! Let’s work together to create the best set of subtitles!
This is the newest installment of our popular seminar series, in which we create one ultimate set of subtitles using translations written by you, the participants! This time, we will tackle Japanese-to-English translation for the first time, and create subtitles for a section of a Japanese short film. Participants are asked to hand in their own translations beforehand. The seminar is led by two JVTA J-E translation course instructors, who will dissect the scene, go over the English subtitling process, and give you feedback on your translations on the spot. If you’re interested in learning how to translate colloquial or culture-specific Japanese expressions, this is the seminar for you! Complete beginners and current/past JVTA students are all welcome. *This seminar will be conducted in English.


・翻訳力をもっと磨きたい方 など

This seminar is for:
– Those interested in Japanese-to-English translation
– Graduates of our English-to-Japanese course who are interested in Japanese-to-English translation
– Current students and graduates of our Japanese-to-English course
– Those looking to improve their English writing skills
– Those looking to improve their translation skills etc.


What we’ll cover
– About the film
– About the assigned scene
– Tricky sections in the assignment: what is the best approach?
– Using participants’ translations to subtitle the scene

2023年8月21日(月)19:30‐20:30 ※日本時間
課題提出期限は2023年8月15日(火)午前10時 ※日本時間/JST

Monday, August 21st, 2023 (JST)
This seminar is for: Everyone
Format: Online (Zoom)
Fee: Free
Entry Details: Signing up in advance is required
Note: This seminar has a translation assignment to be completed beforehand.

The assignment deadline is 10 am on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 (JST).
Points to note:
–        The assignment is optional. Participants can join the seminar without having handed it in. However, as the seminar instructors will discuss participants’ subtitles and give feedback during the seminar, we strongly recommend submitting the assignment if possible.
–        Please note that we cannot accept late submissions.
–        For those who sign up close to the due date and cannot submit the assignment on time, we still encourage participants to work on the assignment by the day of the seminar.




Jessi Nuss (J-E Course Director and Instructor at JVTA)
Born in California, USA. Jessi oversees the content and management of JVTA’s Japanese-to-English Media Translation Course, and is also involved in teaching classes and seminars related to J-E media translation. A longtime Japanese pop culture enthusiast, she loves the challenge that J-E media translation presents, and sharing the fun of it with students at JVTA.

カルフォルニア州出身の日系アメリカ人。小学〜高校は、現地校に通いながら日本人学校へ。大学はUC Riversideにて経済を専攻に学び、卒業後ロサンゼルスにある貿易会社に就職。その後、JVTAロサンゼルス校にて字幕翻訳の勉強を始め、東京校に留学するため、2011年に来日。英語講師などのアルバイトをしながら2013年に日英コースを終了し、プロの字幕翻訳者デビュー。現在は、様々な分野の日英翻訳、通訳、ネイティブチェッカー、スクリプト起しなどの仕事に従事している。

Haruna Yokoyama (J-E Instructor and Translator)
Haruna is a Tokyo-based media translator and instructor. She began her career at a Los Angeles-based import-export company, and began studying subtitling at JVTA’s Los Angeles campus and moved to Japan in 2011 to finish her studies at the Tokyo campus. In 2013, Haruna completed the J-E media translation course and made her debut as a professional subtitle translator. As a freelancer, she now works on J-E translation projects and also does interpreting, editing, and transcription.

2023年7月28日~2023年9月8日 <1セミナー完結型授業>
※無料セミナー有り ラインナップは▶こちら

電話 03-3517-5002
メールアドレス seminar(at)  ※ (at) は @ に置き換えて下さい。
