
Ai Love You

Date: August 9th(Wednesday) 7:30 – 8:30pm JST

※closed 受付終了

Let’s talk about love and relationships on Japanese reality shows!
 Join Director of JLMI and shameless binge-watcher of Japanese reality shows, Bill Reilly, in this interactive session exploring how Japanese natives speak about love and relationships on camera. We’ll learn popular phrases among different generations, common first-date topics, relationship dealbreakers and how to confess your love in Japanese.

Perfect for people who:

– are studying Japanese but want some more thematic conversation practice.
– love reality TV dating shows.
– want to improve their casual conversation skills.
*This workshop will be taught bilingually in English and Japanese but content will be at a JLPT N4-N3 level, right in the middle to accommodate the majority of learners 🙂

We will be watching clips from various reality TV programs, analyzing dialog, looking at new vocabulary, participating in spoken quizzes, practicing roleplays in breakout rooms and giving roleplay presentations to receive feedback.

Date: August 9th(Wednesday) 7:30 – 8:30pm JST
Lesson Fee: Free! (A recording of this class will not be available)
Class Style: Online (Participants will receive either a Zoom link)
Max. number of participants: Unlimited
Sign up period: Prerequisites: None (Participants outside of Japan are welcome!)

Meet the Instructors

Bill Reilly

Director of JLMI, Planner and Lecturer at JVTA. With over 13 years of experience living, working and performing in Japan, Bill uses his love of language to assist companies and creators in selling their ideas overseas. Bill is currently in charge of designing the curriculum for the Beginner and Intermediate courses at JLMI, both of which are based completely on current media streaming online. He enjoys using roleplay activities and plenty of Q&A opportunities in his classes to keep students speaking and learning.

2023年7月28日~2023年9月8日 <1セミナー完結型授業>
※無料セミナー有り ラインナップは▶こちら

電話 03-3517-5002
メールアドレス seminar(at)  ※ (at) は @ に置き換えて下さい。

