
Godzilla Minus One: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Translating the Roaring Hit into English
2024年8月26日(月)19:30-20:30 ※日本時間 ※受付終了
Seminar Date: Monday, August 26th 7:30-8:30pm (JST)
Held Online Over Zoom/Free to Join
Scroll down for seminar details in English!
2023年末から2024年にかけて世界の映画館で唸りを上げ、大きなブームを巻き起こした日本映画『ゴジラ-1.0』。本セミナーでは本同作の英語字幕を担当したベテランの日英映像翻訳者であるトニー・キム氏をお迎えし、世界を熱狂させた英語字幕の制作プロセスをご紹介いただきます。『ゴジラ』作品の翻訳の裏側とは?本作の翻訳のために準備したことや大変だったことは?また翻訳作業のうえで面白かったポイントなど、実際に作品のワンシーンを取り上げながら解説。ネタバレはありませんので、映画を未視聴でも参加可能です!『ゴジラ』ファンはもちろん、『ゴジラ』初心者でも、日英映像翻訳に少しでも興味があればお楽しみいただけるセミナーです!この機会をお見逃しなく! ※本セミナーは英語で行います。


日程:2024年8月26日(月)19:30~20:30 ※日本時間
申込方法: 以下の申し込みフォームからお申込みください。送信後に届く自動返信メールに当日のご参加方法に関する詳細が記載されていますので、必ずご確認ください。
About This Seminar
Godzilla Minus One (Godzilla -1.0) roared into theaters globally at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024, stirring up a Godzilla frenzy! In this very special seminar, we invite veteran J-E subtitle translator Tony Kimm, who created the English subtitles for Godzilla Minus One that were seen and enjoyed around the world. We talk to Tony about the entire process – what it was like translating Godzilla, how he prepped for the job, what he struggled with, what he had fun with, and much more. We’ll take a look at all this while viewing scenes from the actual film – we’ll avoid any major spoilers, so don’t worry if you haven’t seen the film. (Just note that we will be talking about the plot and characters.) Godzilla fan or not, if you’re interested at all in J-E media translation and subtitling process, don’t miss this seminar!
*Please note that the date and time for this seminar is listed in Japan Standard Time (JST).
Please join us if any of following apply to you!
– You are interested in learning more about Japanese-to-English media translation
– You want to know how subtitles are made
– You are interested in Japanese films – however, you do not need to be a Godzilla fan or have seen Godzilla Minus One to enjoy!
– You are a current student or graduate of our Japanese-to-English translation course
– You are a graduate of our English-to-Japanese course who wants to know more about Japanese-to-English translation
Seminar Overview
Here’s what we’ll be going over in this seminar:
-Tony’s background translating the Godzilla franchise
-Background about the film
-Prep and research done before translating
-The translation process – how does it work?
-What was most challenging/fun about translating this film?
-Advice for aspiring translators

Tony Kimm (J-E Subtitle Translator and Business Communication Trainer)
Originally from the US, Tony is a veteran J-E subtitle translator and business communication trainer. He also has a wealth of experience creating English subtitles for Japanese media, including full-length feature films, dramas, film trailers, and much more. In recent years, he has been the go-to translator for various Godzilla projects, including the mega hit Shin Godzilla (2016) and Godzilla Minus One (2023).

Jessi Nuss (J-E Course Director and Instructor at JVTA)
Originally from California in the US, Jessi oversees the content and management of JVTA’s Japanese-to-English Media Translation Course, and is also involved in teaching classes and seminars related to J-E media translation. A longtime Japanese pop culture enthusiast and language geek, she loves the challenge that J-E media translation presents, and sharing the fun of it with students at JVTA.
-Seminar Date: Monday, August 26th 7:30-8:30pm (JST)
-Held Online Over Zoom
-Free to Join
-Open to: Anyone!
-To sign up: Please fill out the form below to sign up. You will receive an automated reply with the Zoom link and more details about the seminar, so please be sure to check that you receive a reply from us.
For any questions about this seminar, please send us an email at seminar(at)jvta.net.
*Please replace (at) with @
2024年7月17日~2024年9月9日 <1セッションごとに完結 無料講座多数>
※無料セミナー有り ラインナップは▶こちら